Here at DubiDub Studios, we focus on information security. As a leading studio,
we have adopted the TPN Standards and Technology Cyber security Framework
to provide structure to our information security management system (ISMS).
This approach has enabled us to achieve TPN certification and accreditation.

Physical Security
We implemented physical access controls/sensors, such as video surveillance cameras,
alarm systems and personnel-based access authorization around restricted areas.
We Store sensitive physical assets in a secure physical fire protected location.
We ensure an appropriate chain of custody is in place for physical transport of assets while
visitors are accounted for in sensitive areas and access restrictions for all server rooms.
Risk Assessment
DubiDub Studios risk assessment program is owned by the Dubidub Studios Executive and is
communicated to relevant employees.
DubiDub Studios security risk management program contains the methodology to be used for the
identification and management of security risks, including: asset Identification; impact Analysis;
risk assessment; identification and application of controls and monitoring of control effectiveness.
Risks are assessed periodically or when a significant change occurs that could have an impact on the
confidentiality, integrity or availability of information or assets. We have looked at the entire dubbing
workflow, its strengths, weaknesses and most importantly its vulnerabilities.
Professional team
Our team consists of highly qualified, experienced and knowledgeable industry professionals.
Information security awareness training is a fundamental part of the onboarding process for
DubiDub Studios personnel, contractors and freelancers. Thereafter, digital information security
training is delivered annually to all employees in a dedicated learning module.
Additionally, information security awareness training is delivered as part of our yearly code of
conduct training and through our 'Think Security' campaign at least every two months and even more often,
if circumstances dictate. All company personnel and freelancers are required to sign
a confidentiality agreement (e.g., NDA).
We separate external networks (WAN & LAN) from the internal network by using inspection firewalls
with Access Control Lists that prevent unauthorized access to any internal network and with the
ability to keep up with upload and download traffic. Configuration policy settings are appropriated
and required every 6 months.
DubiDub Studios Secure infrastructure with an enclosed production network.
All content is Isolated from nonproduction networks by means of physical or logical network segmentation.
Vulnerability scans are performed on a monthly basis to all external and Internal IP ranges and hosts.